Master Your Investor Pitch
Training Program

Pitch Your Vision In Their Language. 

Do you struggle to convey the value of your business with concise clarity to potential investors?

Get Ready to Pitch for Impact

Designed by angel investor and professional trainer, Dana Sather Robinson, The Pitch 4 Impact training program will help you:


Craft a message that investors find relevant, compelling, and attractive.


Learn the presentation skills to connect authentically with confidence.


Make it easy for investors to understand and remember why they should be interested. 
Dana Sather Robinson
Pitch Trainer, Angel Investor Presentation Skills Trainer

Master Your Investor Pitch 

Are you finding it challenging to effectively communicate the value of your business to potential investors in a clear and concise manner?

To truly connect with your audience, it is crucial to empathize and understand their perspective. However, as a founder, it can be difficult to adopt the mindset of a funder. That's where the Pitch 4 Impact program comes in. With the guidance of an experienced angel investor, you'll gain the knowledge and skills to think, speak, and present like an insider, ensuring your pitch resonates with potential investors.

Our courses

Our clients love our program

“I've had multiple people say this is one of the best decks they’ve seen.”

Matt Bartelsian, CEO, Puzl

"Dana really amped up our ability to communicate the value of our company in a succinct form without my previous time panic."

Dennis Londry, CEO, Sonn Technology

“The Pitch for Impact seminar helped me articulate a single, powerful sentence to describe my venture”.

Roy Forbes, CEO
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